Millions of children and families living in
America face hunger and food insecurity
every day.
Because of the coronavirus pandemic, more than 50
million people are currently experiencing food insecurity, including 17 million
children every day.
Because of the coronavirus pandemic, more than 50
million people are currently experiencing food insecurity, including 17 million
Moreover, because of COVID, a lot of these
children feel isolated.
Some of them are also being emotionally and
physically abused by people who are close to them, someone that they should
trust and who should protect them.
They find their escape by going to school and
being away from their family/home. But because of this pandemic, they feel that
they have no way out and get abused even more.
First Way Insurance has been partnering with a
few local, non-profit organizations such as Rotary International, Young Life
International, and Soroptimist International to raise as much money as we can
for those in need.
For every policy that we sell, we donated part of
the profit to these charities.
You can also participate and help us to raise
money for them.
You can pick which of these organizations
will get your donation.
First Way Insurance will match your donation up
to $5000. For more information you can visit these websites below: